Friday, July 30, 2010

Michigan Ave discusses basketball and Obama with Alexi Giannoulias Member of the Sun-Times News Group

March 2, 2009

Small moves, big impression

HE GOT GAME: Treasured court time

As a basketball player, President Obama has game. And you can take that to the bank.

So says someone who should know -- about Obama, basketball and banks: Illinois state treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.

In Niche Media's Michigan Avenue magazine, Giannoulias says, ''I have the distinction of being the guy who bruised Barack's ribs before the Indiana primary. People always ask me about his game. I tell them all the same thing.
He plays tough but not dirty, and he's a lot stronger than he looks.
''A group of us played together on Election Day. We talked about basketball -- no politics. When the game ended, we all realized the gravity of the situation. A basketball player from Chicago was about to change history and become president of the United States.''

Courtesy of FGPR

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